1987 January: Curator of Richmond's Hand Workshop's "Musical Art" exhibition of original, handmade musical instruments by Nationally known makers, showcasing $250,000 worth of unique handmade instruments, leads lecture series "An Introduction to Instrument Building for Beginners" and an informal discussion of hand tool usages and techniques.
1987 September: First Place Blue Ribbon for excellence at the State Fair of Virginia "Artist in Action," American Heritage Showcase. Anthony and former students built guitars on site and lectured on the craft for 10 days straight.
1988 June: "Artist in Action," by special invitation, at the Executive Mansion, State of Virginia for the simultaneous celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Executive Mansion and the 200th anniversary of Virginia's ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America. The celebration showcased hand craftsmen, period musicians, and revolutionary war re-inactors.

September: Repeat "Blue Ribbon" performance, State Fair of Virginia's American Heritage Showcase. Anthony is joined by former teaching assistants, and apprentices to present a demonstration of the craft. Lectures were given on the hour as a commemorative "State Fair Model" dreadnought was built on-site. The instrument was fabricated during the 10 days of the fair and the completed instrument 'raffled' to fair visitors.

1990 With the assistance of Dr. Gary Huvard, Ph.D., Anthony develops "Famous Guitarmaker Fret Scale Calculator," software, designed to run on Macintosh computers, creating mathematically precise fret scales at the click of the 'mouse.'
1995 July: Launches "Famous Guitarmaker Internet World Headquarters" in an attempt to develop the largest database on the craft assembled to date; he began a Global Online Guitarmaking Apprenticeship (the first ever attempted) in March of 1996.
To be continued. . .
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